The Storefront Brainstorming Gimmick
I snapped this photo in Shanghai under a light rail line:

So it’s an empty storefront with the following text plastered across it:
失业了! [Lost my job!]
租了个店! [Rented a storefront!]
不知道做什么! [Don’t know what to do!]
你们想吃啥! [What do you guys want to eat?]
留言告诉我! [Leave me a comment and tell me!]
一经采纳,红包奖励! [If your idea is used, cash reward!]
快扫码上车,挺急的! [Get on board quick, it’s urgent!]
给我扫! [Scan me!]
迷茫 [Perplexed]
It’s fairly obvious that it’s not a random person’s idea; it’s a company’s promotional gimmick.
I didn’t scan the QR code, but it’s fun to see stuff like this.
might get you dreaming of what you could offer from that location. let’s open up a restaurant. fish tacos!