Stage 1 of the Makeovers Complete

I recently redesigned a few pages of Sinosplice:

– The root page is now Flash-less, with tons of text links emphasizing all the non-blog content I’ve got online. (Take a look; there may be some stuff you don’t know about.)

Chinese Study Book Reviews has been given new life. There are new reviews, more guest reviews, categories, comment function* for each review, RSS feed, etc. Such is the power of CMS technology. Inbound links are appreciated; I’m going to try to make these reviews really helpful.

A Pictorial Guide to Life in China has been made prettier. This is a pleasant reminder of the days when I cared less about offending my hypersensitive visitors. For now the comment function doesn’t work; I’ll try to get that working sometime next week. [Apr. 12 Update: Comments work now.]

There’s so much I want to do with my website, but that’s all going to have to go on hold for about a month. I just had a meeting with the professor at East China Normal University about how my entrance exams will be administered. Basically I need a decent grasp of everything in the 现代汉语 textbook. Too bad I had been concentrating on a different textbook in my studies until now. And I’ll have to write a timed essay for them. Now that I’ve got more specifics about the exams, I need to stop slacking (read: working on my website) and get it in gear.

* I had been using Haloscan comments before, but I found out that Haloscan deletes your comments after a certain amount of time. In every case where I had used Haloscan for adding comment functionality to a static webpage, comments disappeared after a year or so.


John Pasden

John is a Shanghai-based linguist and entrepreneur, founder of AllSet Learning.


  1. Good luck with the studies. You’ll do well; you’ve established a pattern (tradition?) of doing that. \w/_

  2. wow…your rootpage looks awesome. I found a lot of stuff I didn’t know was here.

  3. rongwei Says: April 9, 2005 at 8:03 am

    just wanted to let you know that my Kingsoft translator says “CMS” stands for Church Missionary Society

  4. John, I’ve sent you an email just now. Hope you have a chance to read it.

  5. Chinese Study Book Reviews – WOW!

  6. Haloscan does not delete comments. If your account is a free account comments are removed and archived after a few months. Upgrading to a paid account will restore all your comments. via Haloscan.

  7. “Deleted,” “removed”… whatever. In any case, afer some time passes they’re not there on the page anymore.

  8. Jessica,

    To follow-up your claim, I donated to Haloscan a couple years ago (one-time payment) and the comments do not get deleted or removed.

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